Mike Germano: What MBA Programs Don't Teach About Selling a Business

In Chapter 8 of 23 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, VICE Media Chief Digital Officer Mike Germano answers "What Did You Find Most Educational About Going Through the Process of Selling Your Company?" Germano shares what he learned selling his business Carrot Creative to VICE Media. He notes how it is something you are not likely to learn in business school. He finds the process is about self-realization and embracing challenge of taking a mission to another level, in this case a global-level with a billion-dollar digital media company.

Mike Germano is Chief Digital Officer at VICE Media, a global youth media company based in Brooklyn, New York. Germano joined VICE Media via its 2013 acquisition of Carrot Creative, a social media agency he co-founded and led as CEO.